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Monday, September 22, 2008

Wordle Cards

I've had so much fun with, I decided to create wordle cards. Here's what I came up with, the bottoms of the cards are embossed with Cuttlebug folders. Click on the image to see a closer view.


Anonymous said...

Very cute site. I love the cards you've made. I to am a crafty person also. I love to craft and write.
Last Christmas I made canning lid ornaments. They were so cute and my family loved them.
Keep up the good work... BG

Anonymous said...

Card making is new to me.How did you make the top of the card. They are great. Cindy

HalfBatty said...

So cute!!! I am doing a baby boy shower for my sister who is expecting and something like this would be so darling. Where did you learn how to do this?

TT said...

i love these cards. what a great idea. Esp. for birthdays too. oh - i see a card coming.

Marianne said...

I had previously found the Wordle site but had not thought of making cards with them. Thanks so much for a wonderful idea. I just designed a Christmas card for a very good friend. Now I just have to put it together. TFS!