Friday, October 22, 2010

What's old is new Again...

Two years ago I blogged about This is a great website where you can make your own word art, and this style of word art is so popular now. I love making cards from Wordle. They are so original and you can personalize them so well. Here are some cards I made with wordle.

How do you get your wordle creation to be on a card??? Once the wordle is done, I print it to my "cute PDF Writer" (it's a free application -, which prints it to PDF format. Once I have it in PDF format, I then convert it to jpg format through this free converter( . Once I have it in .jpg, I can do whatever I want with it, resize, etc...It's really not complicated...


  1. I have just recently foun Wordle...thanks for the ideas! I love your stuff.

  2. thank you for more question. what program do you open your jpeg in?

  3. I believe the correct website is I tried .com and got one of those advertising sites.

  4. I've used wordle but never thought about using it this way. My niece did a one for her baby in the colors of his nursery. She then had it printed as poster at walmart. It's so cute.

  5. Wordle is definitely fun, but is there a trick to getting your Happy Thanksgiving featured so well, or did you just re-shuffle until it worked out?

  6. just shuffle until you get it the way you like

  7. OMG...where have I been. I have never heard of this. I love it. How fun. Thanks for the great ideas.
