Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Weekly Dingbat- not exactly a dingbat

Thanks to Lyndad on the SmartBuyGal forum for finding this font. It is called Addams Capitals. It is perfect for Halloween items. Here is a craft block I did with it. You can find it here:


  1. Your projects have inspired me from the moment that I began using my cricut, Thanks Leslie! I was recently recieved a blog award and was asked to pass it on to 15 deserving blogs. I chose you. Please stop by my blog and pick up your award then pass on to 15 more whom you feel are deserving!

  2. lol sorry that should have said, "I recently recieved..." not, "I was recently recieved..." :)

  3. I love the recent projects you posted! The pails were cute and the blocks are WONDERFUL!!!
