Thursday, July 22, 2010

Blog Candy- Back to School

UPDATE WINNERS: The random winners are # 1 and #4 - Congratulations

With school right around the corner (still 6 weeks to go here), I am thinking of school supplies. the cute clear zip bags I made for the beach and pool are now repurposed to the back to school mode. I am making them for my son and his friends, and then I come to find out it is actually required to have a zip pouch on their supply list, YES, check that one off. I am giving away 4 clear zip bags for you to vinyl. I will give 2 winners 2 bags each.

To enter to win, just leave a comment here on this post with what your favorite snack or food is to cool down. We're onto our 4th heat wave here, so I need all the tips I can get. Good luck!

These are the bags:


  1. My favorite snack to cool down on is ice cream! We are also seeing very high temps and humidity, so ice cream is always a treat! Thank you for the chance to win!

  2. What a great idea! Love this!

    My favorite snack to cool down with on hot days are frozen grapes!

    Thanks for the chance!

  3. I recently discovered the perfect cool down snack is those Giant pop-ice freezer pops. They really do the job!

  4. It's been miserable here too with the heat and humidity. My favorite summer treat are Sugar Free Popsicles. I love the ones that are Dr. Pepper and Root Beer flavored!

    Thanks for the change to win Leslie.

  5. Love this idea of the pouches!!! My favorite cool down snack is ice cold watermelon!!!!

  6. Gotta be a margarita, on the rocks, no salt!!


  7. Gotta be a margarita, on the rocks, no salt!!

  8. an ice cold beer in a frozen mug!!! don't often drink it but on a hot day nothing better. Also cold slices of cucumbers with a dash of salt!!thanks for the chance to win after you post this idea I looked for these bags and could not find them.

  9. My favorite cool down snack (and pretty much favorite anytime snack) is ice cream! :) I also enjoy very cold iced tea...oh so refreshing! Thanks for the opportunity to win, I have two school age girls who would love these for sure!!

  10. My favourite cool down snacks are fruit flavoured ice lollies, I just can't get enough of those when it is hot but then our hot in the UK is probably like your winter lol.
    I have been looking for these cases and I know I have seen them in the past somewhere but now I want to make them for my god children I cannot find them, why does that always happen!!
    Love your latest one by the way.
    Kim xXx

  11. my favorite is watermelon.....especially after swimming all day. fire up the grill, cook some good food, then have watermelon :)

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Ice Cold Watermelon wins me over hands down!!
    I love the vinyl pouch ideas! Thanks for the chance of winning them

  14. I enjoy iced coffee (cream & Splenda), which helps with both the heat and the fatigue that comes with it. Watermelon and Whole Fruit bars for cool family treats. Thanks!

  15. Sweet Tea from McDonald's. MMMM. Yes I'm a sugaraholic.

  16. My favorite snack to cool down with is pink lemonade! It is so good and it just hits the right spot!
    millers at wildblue dot net
