Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Strawberry Rhubarb Jam

I jazzed up my jam jars with a vinyl strawberry!

Here's the recipe:

1 lb strawberries (fresh or frozen)

6 stalks rhubarb

1/2 c water

3 c sugar

1 small pkg strawberry jello

Puree the strawberries in the blender with a small amount of the water

Chop the rhubarb

Cook the rhubarb with the water until soft

Add the strawberries and sugar

Boil for about 8 minutes

Add the jello and simmer a few minutes

Refrigerate and ENJOY!


  1. Sounds yummy! I wonder if you could substitute Splenda for the sugar making it sugar free? Would it turn out the same? Curious...I think I will have to try it!

  2. This is my favorite kind of jam in the whole world! My granny used to make it. Now, where could I get some rhubarb?
