Who remembers the early 80s and the Bermuda Bag?...Didn't we love these bags with changable covers in cute and preppy colors, stripes, and plaids. I made these with DS (all George). The cards open on the side. I even monogrammed one with vinyl. The cut file is in the right hand column. If you remember these oldies but goodies, make sure to leave a comment!!

Thanks for reminding me how old I am. lol Thanks for sharing this.
Thank you so much for sharing this cute little bag. I tried to click on the file, but it said page not found. Is there a problem? Would love to have the file if possible.
I tried the file it is in the right hand column "bermuda bag" it should be fine...
Omigosh! I had mine in 1982. I might have had 3 covers for it. All reversible, of course. I remember I ironed on my own monogram on one of the covers. I would use the cut file if I had a picture of that purse! Ha!
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