Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Glass Etching - unofficial instructions

So many people have asked how to do glass etching, so here are some basic instructions:

materials needed:

glass item ( plate, glass, tumbler, jar)

Armour Etch creme

vinyl or contact paper

**Armour Etch can be purchased at Michaels and other craft stores, it is pricey, so make sure to use a coupon.

**I find great glass items at thrift stores and dollar stores. You will want to start your first project on an inexpensive item, since you may make a mistake on it. You can even practive on a pickle jar or old wine bottle.

**The best and easiest items to etch are perfectly vertical, like a tumbler glass (or pickle jar). Bulbous wine glasses and vases take more practice, in my opinion.

Here is a cut file with instructions on how to use it. The cut file is in the right hand column

Piece A: rectangle
Piece B: ring
Piece C: inner circle
Pieces D: letters

Choose either negative or positive images. Below the black represents the vinyl pieces and the white is the glass.

The top image uses pieces A & D

The bottom image uses pieces A & C

You get different results from each method.

(These are cut in Plantin, but can easily be recreated in other fonts and shapes)

After cutting, place the vinyl on the glass, make sure it is on where you want it and then press hard on each piece of vinyl making sure you have no bubbles. This is an important step.

I use a foam brush and put the AE (Armour Etch) on with a dabbing motion. You so not want any brush strokes. Make sure you use plenty of the AE - glob it on!

Set a timer for 5 minutes.

When it is done, I use my same foam brush and wipe off the AE into a small bathroom type paper cup. (Put this excess back into your bottle, it is fine to use again!)

When most of it is off, rinse the glass under water washing the rest off. (Make sure you don't have other glass dishes in your sink)

remove your vinyl stencil (you can use it again) and dry your item


  1. Thanks for taking the time to explain how you did this! Your work is beautiful!

  2. Thanks for your instructions. It sounds easy so I think I'll have to try it.

  3. Thanks for the great info on your blog.


  4. I'm new at the Cricut, so far I love it. Your blog is wonderful!
    Keep up the GREAT work!!

  5. Thank you so much for these great directions. You have given me the confidence to try this. I have enjoyed looking at your work and readying you blog.
    Happy Holidays1

  6. Thanks for the great instructions. Love all your projects.

  7. Thanks for the great instructions. Love your projects!

  8. Thanks so much! I wish I had looked your at your site before I began my project. Great tips about leaving the cream on longer & using "real" vinyl. I seem to be having trouble getting my cricut to cut contact paper... I even tried laminated construction paper (I'm pretty thrifty) and when I finally got it cut & attached to the glass I think I rinsed too soon & probably didn't use enough cream. The directions said not to leave it longer than 5 minutes & it just didn't work well.....I guess I'll be trying again soon..but with your directions this time!

  9. Thanks for your tips I did my first glass etching last night. I left it on for 5 min wish I would have left it on a little longer. But it does look great. But sure had problems getting all my final onto the glass. It just would not come off the transfer paper(i used contact next time I'll use better paper. No one has mentioned the best way to put the vinyl on the glass and that is the part that I had problems with. Getting all the intricut pieces on. Finally got it to work. Thanks for the tips.

  10. Thanks for the tips. I find that I can never use the vinyl again. It might be because the graphics I use tend to be smaller.
